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April 5

I've been caught up in the hype. Now that O will be two soon (next month) I've been wondering if it's time to sign her up for a class or lesson or some sort of toddler thing. Every time I catch myself googling ballet classes or gymnastics or forest schools, I take a step back and wonder if they are really necessary. Surely we could just play music and dance around the living room, or climb jungle gyms or have daily nature walks ourselves, after all we already do these things!

Maybe the reason I am looking into these things is so she can interact with other children and have the beginnings of lifelong friendships. Or I don't want her to miss out on something fun. Or not realize a skill or talent or passion and loose time that she could be developing it.

One dance class I was considering was just at our local community center, and it's only for about a month, so I thought that sounds good. But parents and caretakers aren't allowed to be in the room during class. Now that seems a little tricky for two and three year olds. Little O is becoming quite the explorer, but she always makes sure I'm in sight or comes back to bring me along on her excursions, and I don't think she would like it if I brought her to a class and just left. Most little ones I feel would have that issue. Maybe that's just us. Of course, she could love it and thrive and begin to love this new independence. No one is to know for sure, because I'm mostly likely not going to sign her up.

There are plenty of parent-child groups and events in our area, that are free to boot! I just need to be more aggressive in my search for them. Because let's be honest, a big reason to why there are these sorts of things are for the parents and caregivers to have some adult interaction and perhaps even find a friend or tribe they connect with. Maybe the whole reason I'm searching something out is because I haven't found my tribe, and it's really hard not having a network.

So now my options are all laid out, and one day, soon, I'll make a decision, To take a class, or seek out more free offerings. Or neither and just make friends at the park, beach, or forest. I feel no matter what decision I come up with though, little O will be happy, because she doesn't need much to be pleased.


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