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We went tide-pooling recently and O found a little jellyfish, which she is clearly so proud of.

This is a time of transitions. Summer turning to autumn. O going from toddler to little girl. Moving back east after a long stint in Alaska. And all that takes a lot of mental space to deal with and get through. Bigger feelings, and bigger suitcases make this time in our lives and the year one that needs a little extra attention. Whether that is downsizing, quality time, or just extra cuddles during the day, it's a season that we will get through. Together. Just as we have always done.

It is also a time where I am less attached to any one place than I ever have been, and that is definitely a vulnerable feeling. It's like I'm a bit of kelp that has come loose from its rock and is now floating freely around the vast ocean. I really need to take this time to reflect on where I am and where I would like to go. Now is the time to manifest my dreams into a reality, while I'm still floating through the ocean and before I become anchored anywhere. Like I said, vulnerable!

Though it is hard for me to make big decisions and choices while I'm in a transition, I need to start to be comfortable doing so, because life is so full of transitions and I can't just wait until they are all done to live my life. It will pass by in a blur and I will have missed out on a lot.

So here's to shifts, and vulnerability, and the endless possibilities of life.

Is anyone else affected by these seasonal changes as much as I am?

May you always experience the vastness of life,


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