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2019 intentions, goals, and dreams

Another year, another chance to set intentions for how you envision the year to unfold. While you can do this at anytime and for any reason, the calendar year always seems like a great place to start. The crisp winter air and *sometimes* a fresh blanket of snow creating the illusion that the world is your canvas and you can make it any way you want. A couple of weeks ago I was talking with little O about setting goals and intentions and wishes for things we want to do and learn in the new year, and I thought sharing her ideas, as well as mine, would be a good way to start this new year.

My intentions, goals, and dreams for 2019 and beyond:

Learn to knit and crochet- I have learned both but I have only ever made scarves, and not very well
Blog regularly- and by that I think I'd like to post in this space at least three times a month
Exercise regularly- I haven't thought much about what this means exactly but I did do yoga this
     morning with O and that felt right and wonderful
Cut out dairy- everytime I have dairy my insides don't feel well, so I'd like to cut back or possibly
    only stick to local and organic
Budget- again I haven't flushed this intention out very much yet, however I'd like to be more mindful
    with money
Mindfully purge belongings- this seems self-explanatory
Start and Etsy- or somehow, somewhere, sell my creations
Self care- mainly moisturize, exfoliate, drink more water, things to do with my skin

O's intentions, goals, and dreams for 2019 and beyond:

Travel- she really wants to return to Arizona, though she doesn't remember going since she was only
     ten months the last time we went. We'll see if it's in the budget
Learn to read- she loves books and knows all her letters and loves spelling so this is a great goal
Camp- this could also go on my list, we both want to spend more time in nature
Learn about cities- I'm not sure where this came from, but it gives me an excuse for researching
     more children's books which I really love to do
Plant strawberries- something I cannot wait to do with her, bring on a bigger and better garden

Now these are not all encompassing, I'm always trying to eat less sugar and stretch and take more nature walks, however these are definitely all achievable and I believe in us! Though we may not make it to AZ or on an airplane this year, we can definitely go on weekend trips around New England, and maybe even make it up to Canada for a vacation. And I'm sure there will be weeks or months where I write in this space more, craft less, or spend recklessly, but all these intentions are about self growth and this is something I can get behind.

Wishing you all a wonderful new year, full of new experiences (or not), self growth (or not), and big dreams (or small). There are no wrong ways, so long as you are living your life the way you want and intend!

Sending positive vibes your way,


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