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Showing posts from 2017

Summer 2017 thus far

Hikes, beach days, spending time in the garden, walks to the playground, eating snack on the deck, these are just a few of the ways we have been getting outside a little bit, or a lot, each day. We try our hardest to get outside at least once a day. With or without sunscreen, depending on how long we'll be out and what time of day it is as well. Vitamin D people! Snacks and water are key of course, and while fruit leather and larabars are just the most convenient and delicious things ever invented, working towards zero waste and in seasons snacks is the dream. One day at a time. It does help that summer has some pretty amazing choices for snacks, like strawberries and watermelon. And snap peas straight from the garden. Thank goodness for closed off decks and those magnetized screens. Always open in the summer, little O is found out there all the time with her little animals, and a big bowl of cool water to play with if I remember to set it out for her.  This simple little life,...

April 5

I've been caught up in the hype. Now that O will be two soon (next month) I've been wondering if it's time to sign her up for a class or lesson or some sort of toddler thing. Every time I catch myself googling ballet classes or gymnastics or forest schools, I take a step back and wonder if they are really necessary. Surely we could just play music and dance around the living room, or climb jungle gyms or have daily nature walks ourselves, after all we already do these things! Maybe the reason I am looking into these things is so she can interact with other children and have the beginnings of lifelong friendships. Or I don't want her to miss out on something fun. Or not realize a skill or talent or passion and loose time that she could be developing it. One dance class I was considering was just at our local community center, and it's only for about a month, so I thought that sounds good. But parents and caretakers aren't allowed to be in the room during c...

2017 Intentions and Goals

2016, that long and interesting- if somewhat depressing- year is finally in the past. we are now well on our way into 2017, and with that I thought I would like to put pen to paper- or rather hands to keys- and write out my goals and intentions for the next twelve months. Perhaps by putting them down on the internet, for all to see and for easy access to review myself, I can accomplish most of not all of these aspirations. Let's get started. General goals or intentions: - Meditate - Be more mindful and present in everyday life - Read - Learn to knit and/or crochet (this is the year that I strive to finally know enough to create something in one of these mediums) - Craft more toys by hand for O, mainly woodwork - Travel, at least a little bit - Develop a geography or environmental workshop curriculum and begin teaching it (my life passion that also happens to tie into my degree, which is always a bonus) Monthly goals: January: make homemade remedies February: organize...