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What we've been reading

Every now and then we  come across a wonderful book that I just have to share. Whether the illustrations are beautiful, the words are enlightening, or the overall plot or idea is engaging, there is something about a well thought out book that just gets to me. And now, without further ado, The Golden Glow by Benjamin Flouw. This book is wonderfully written, beautifully illustrated, has talking animals, funny bits, plant identification, and a great message at the end. I highly recommend checking it out from your local library, or purchasing it from a local independent bookstore.  May you always have enough light to read by, Naomi
Recent posts

2019 intentions, goals, and dreams

Another year, another chance to set intentions for how you envision the year to unfold. While you can do this at anytime and for any reason, the calendar year always seems like a great place to start. The crisp winter air and *sometimes* a fresh blanket of snow creating the illusion that the world is your canvas and you can make it any way you want. A couple of weeks ago I was talking with little O about setting goals and intentions and wishes for things we want to do and learn in the new year, and I thought sharing her ideas, as well as mine, would be a good way to start this new year. My intentions, goals, and dreams for 2019 and beyond: Learn to knit and crochet- I have learned both but I have only ever made scarves, and not very well Blog regularly- and by that I think I'd like to post in this space at least three times a month Exercise regularly- I haven't thought much about what this means exactly but I did do yoga this      morning with O and that felt right...


We went tide-pooling recently and O found a little jellyfish, which she is clearly so proud of. This is a time of transitions. Summer turning to autumn. O going from toddler to little girl. Moving back east after a long stint in Alaska. And all that takes a lot of mental space to deal with and get through. Bigger feelings, and bigger suitcases make this time in our lives and the year one that needs a little extra attention. Whether that is downsizing, quality time, or just extra cuddles during the day, it's a season that we will get through. Together. Just as we have always done. It is also a time where I am less attached to any one place than I ever have been, and that is definitely a vulnerable feeling. It's like I'm a bit of kelp that has come loose from its rock and is now floating freely around the vast ocean. I really need to take this time to reflect on where I am and where I would like to go. Now is the time to manifest my dreams into a reality, while I'...

Classic reimagined

Fairytales are wonderful classics that are always being rewritten, and sometimes for the better. This particular rewrite is extraordinary. It has different species and races, a prince in distress instead of a damsel, thoughtful ideas about marriage, and a happy ending that isn't what you'd expect! Interstellar Cinderella by Deborah Underwood Do yourselves, and your children, a favor and check this book out at your local library. Are there any rewritten classics that you have enjoyed lately? Do tell! May you always have enough light to read by, Naomi

Rock with a view

This place is beautiful. Watching the transition of spring to summer has been such a wonderful experience, you can see the green moving up the mountains as the snow on top slowly reseeds. When the sun is out, which isn't as often as I'm used to being from the east coast, we try to spend as much time as we can outside. Be it just playing in the backyard, snacking on the porch, scouring the beaches for sea glass, or hiking to new areas, we squeeze as much as we can into each day. Lucky for us the days here are so so long, with the sun rising around four in the morning and setting close to midnight. I'm still not used to the evenings being so bright. The other day little O was looking at the ceiling of my brother's house where we are staying as asked what those things were. They are lights, though she has never seen them used, which is just astounding! Kodiak has some amazing places to explore, and so many that I haven't had a chance to get to yet. Luckily we stil...


Well we made it. With the whole move, then settling in, then everything changing as school let out and summer began, it's been hard to make time to come here and share. However I have been working very hard to manifest my dreams and hopes for my life and future, and one of the things I want to do is create more time to create. So here I am. Creating. On the beautiful island of Kodiak. I will make the time to share more in the traveling part of our journey, since it did take over a day and we packed a lot into that experience. But this move has been so wonderful. And hard. And fun. And every emotion and feeling in between. It's great for O to have her cousins to play with and learn from, but it's also hard since they are raised and parented differently than how I do. I can definitely see her picking up some bad habits, but also some good ones. And I too have picked up different habits, whether good or bad depends on your perspective, that mainly pertain to parenting. In...

Freedom to be and grow

O will never have a first day of school, and I think that is just amazing. Don't think of it as she is missing out on something, because school is not something to look forward to or strive for.  She won't be forced to sit still for hours at a time, memorize and "learn" what other people tell her too, and be penalized for doing things her own way. Instead she will have the freedom to completely emerse herself in whatever it is that interests her in that particular hour, day, or week. We won't only be able to travel during busy school vacations, but instead throughout the year, at the drop of a hat. We won't get in trouble with anyone if we spend days couped up in the house working on something, or run off for a camping getaway.  By allowing little O to follow her passions and interests, it allows for me to do the same as well. I feel like people sometimes think that if they are miserable at their job then it's okay if their children are misera...