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Showing posts from June, 2018

Rock with a view

This place is beautiful. Watching the transition of spring to summer has been such a wonderful experience, you can see the green moving up the mountains as the snow on top slowly reseeds. When the sun is out, which isn't as often as I'm used to being from the east coast, we try to spend as much time as we can outside. Be it just playing in the backyard, snacking on the porch, scouring the beaches for sea glass, or hiking to new areas, we squeeze as much as we can into each day. Lucky for us the days here are so so long, with the sun rising around four in the morning and setting close to midnight. I'm still not used to the evenings being so bright. The other day little O was looking at the ceiling of my brother's house where we are staying as asked what those things were. They are lights, though she has never seen them used, which is just astounding! Kodiak has some amazing places to explore, and so many that I haven't had a chance to get to yet. Luckily we stil...


Well we made it. With the whole move, then settling in, then everything changing as school let out and summer began, it's been hard to make time to come here and share. However I have been working very hard to manifest my dreams and hopes for my life and future, and one of the things I want to do is create more time to create. So here I am. Creating. On the beautiful island of Kodiak. I will make the time to share more in the traveling part of our journey, since it did take over a day and we packed a lot into that experience. But this move has been so wonderful. And hard. And fun. And every emotion and feeling in between. It's great for O to have her cousins to play with and learn from, but it's also hard since they are raised and parented differently than how I do. I can definitely see her picking up some bad habits, but also some good ones. And I too have picked up different habits, whether good or bad depends on your perspective, that mainly pertain to parenting. In...