O will never have a first day of school, and I think that is just amazing. Don't think of it as she is missing out on something, because school is not something to look forward to or strive for. She won't be forced to sit still for hours at a time, memorize and "learn" what other people tell her too, and be penalized for doing things her own way. Instead she will have the freedom to completely emerse herself in whatever it is that interests her in that particular hour, day, or week. We won't only be able to travel during busy school vacations, but instead throughout the year, at the drop of a hat. We won't get in trouble with anyone if we spend days couped up in the house working on something, or run off for a camping getaway. By allowing little O to follow her passions and interests, it allows for me to do the same as well. I feel like people sometimes think that if they are miserable at their job then it's okay if their children are misera...