It is definitely past the due date for a new post, I've just been having trouble deciding how I want this blog to be, and what I want it to accomplish. Is it to shed light into my life, or is it just a way for me to get down ideas and thoughts? Perhaps it will become both. This summer has been flying by, with all this heat and humidity we are certainly not used to in the Northeast. I've always been one to comment on how much I love the warmth and do not love the cold, however I've become accustomed to knowing our summers are more on the mild side. Climate change has definitely reached us up here! Little O is over one now. She is walking, running, climbing, falling, and everything in between. She is a constant babbler, with some real words and names mixed in there for good measure. A couple of weeks ago I finally made the switch over to cloth diapers, which is something that I wanted to do from the beginning but just never knew where to start. It's been a learning pr...